Friday, June 1, 2018

week of 4 June 2018

The first week of June brings us 33 new titles and 20 reprints.  A fantastic week for those that enjoy a great romance or a compelling fantasy, with a few thrillers and others thrown in for good measure.  Happy Reading!

Also Releasing in Hardcover

Title: Bring Me Their Hearts, Author: Sara Wolf  Title: City of Bastards, Author: Andrew Shvarts  Title: Save the Date (B&N Exclusive Edition), Author: Morgan Matson  Title: Smoke in the Sun (Flame in the Mist Series #2), Author: Renée Ahdieh  Title: The Bird and the Blade, Author: Megan Bannen  
  Title: Whisper of the Tide, Author: Sarah Tolcser  Title: Little Do We Know, Author: Tamara Ireland Stone  Title: Always Forever Maybe, Author: Anica Mrose Rissi  Title: Sweet Black Waves, Author: Kristina Perez   Title: The Opposite of Here, Author: Tara Altebrando  
Title: How We Roll, Author: Natasha Friend  Title: Blood Will Out, Author: Jo Treggiari  Title: The History of Jane Doe, Author: Michael Belanger  Title: Eden Conquered, Author: Joelle Charbonneau  Title: Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas Series #2), Author: Zoraida Cordova 
Title: Jacked Up, Author: Erica Sage  Title: Mariam Sharma Hits the Road, Author: Sheba Karim  Title: Invisible Ghosts, Author: Robyn Schneider  Title: Summer of Salt, Author: Katrina Leno  Title: Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe, Author: Preston Norton  
Title: The Summer of Us, Author: Cecilia Vinesse     Title: Dear Rachel Maddow: A Novel, Author: Adrienne Kisner  Title: Kissing Games: A Novel, Author: Tara Eglington  Title: Fat Girl on a Plane, Author: Kelly deVos  
  Title: Neverworld Wake, Author: Marisha Pessl  Title: Social Intercourse, Author: Greg Howard  

New in Paperback

 Title: What You Left Me, Author: Bridget Morrissey  Title: Tell Me No Lies, Author: A.V. Geiger  Title: Pregnant at 17, Author: Christine Conradt  The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls  
Title: The Art of French Kissing, Author: Brianna Shrum  Title: There Goes Sunday School, Author: Alexander C Eberhart  Title: The Revolution Handbook, Author: Alice Skinner 

Former Hardcovers and Reprints

 Title: Seven Days of You, Author: Cecilia Vinesse  Title: The Edge of Everything, Author: Jeff Giles  Title: Roar: A Stormheart Novel, Author: Cora Carmack  Title: Song of the Current, Author: Sarah Tolcser  Title: Forever in Love, Author: Susane Colasanti 
 Title: The Possible, Author: Tara Altebrando  Title: Once, in a Town Called Moth, Author: Trilby Kent  Title: I Am a Secret Service Agent: My Life Spent Protecting the President, Author: Dan Emmett  Title: The Unlikelies, Author: Carrie Firestone  Title: And Then There Were Four, Author: Nancy Werlin  
Title: The Other F-Word: A Novel, Author: Natasha Friend  Title: The Leaf Reader, Author: Emily Arsenault  Title: One of Us Is Lying (B&N Exclusive Edition), Author: Karen M. McManus  A Map for Wrecked Girls  Title: Piecing Me Together, Author: Renée Watson  
Title: The Dazzling Heights, Author: Katharine McGee  Aftercare Instructions: A Novel  Obsidian and Stars  What I Lost  Goldfish: A Novel 

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